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11. Interior Designs

Interior designing is an important aspect of making your home an inviting and relaxing safe haven for your family and also a source for guests to rave about. Knowing about various Interior design styles will help you select the perfectly matching home accent products. Few of the central design venues apply to anything from cabinets, furniture inside to exterior home and patio design.

Traditional a more classic design is more elegant and refined then some other design styles. It may have some traditional elements appearing here and there like glass panels or raised accents separated by wood strips. Lustrous wood finishes can be highlighted with metals like brass or metallic-tone hardware to give them a shine and standout appeal. While traditional design is charming and elegant in its own way, contemporary design is a pleasure for the eyes. Contemporary design would feature sleek cabinets, plain panel doors. Home accent hardware to go for this design should be inconspicuous and subtle. Unobtrusive hardware would bring out/highlight the contemporary design.

High-tech interior design styles are often thought to be for the rich and suave people and appeal to debonair and urbane population. This design style entails a use of a lot brushed or shiny stainless steel, mirrors, chrome and high gloss black accents. Especially in kitchens and baths, they will often have sleek metallic appliances and fixtures, with the latest home appliances and sleek storage cabinets. Drapes or shades typically seen in offices are also used for drawing room windows. Curving window glasses may be set on the walls for that high tech feel.

Victorian design styles are often used by people who love the feel of the nineteenth century and are yet implemented with modern conveniences. Common woods often used in cabinets are oak, cherry or sometimes mahogany and traditional colors are preferred. For such designs, contemporary hardware can work but should have a vintage feel for example iron or antique pseudo pewter. On the other hand, Southern and ocean-side area styles favor stucco as it endures well. This design style will typically have accented windows like the bay type windows or will have narrow, long encased or boxed windows. Often the doors are accented with shutters of wood or slate and painted over with vibrant colors. Clay pots and ceramic statues would complement the ceramic tile flooring, which is often seen in Mediterranean design. This design style will often have big open living areas that make good use of the outside weather and the use of brighter colors in fabrics like drapes would accentuate the design.

There is also more country designs which are more of a comfortable homey style than a set of particulars. French country or rural country can be varied in styles and yet have that cozy charm. However, one common feature is the multiple paned windows of the length of the walls known as French windows. These can even be used like doors. This style loves the kitchen to be big, spacious and comfortable, with windows for sunlight and thick beams and polished stone or tiled floors. This design often entails large drawing rooms typically with a fire-place.

Southwestern homes, with their stucco or adobe exterior and red tiled roofs have gained popularity recently. Bright color window drapes, Chinese vases and bright artwork are some of the home accents which can complement these designs.