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Client Designer Relationship


When it comes to home decorating, nothing is more important than having a good relationship with your designer of choice. There are many types of designers and finding one who you are comfortable with is important. Communication during the design process is essential and the client – designer relationship is critical to the success of your project.

Always remember that you are the final decision-maker when it comes to choices about your home of office. Decorating is a way that you demonstrate an extension of your personality and attitude. The designer should be a part of the process, but that does not mean that designers are the final decision-makers in the project.

Consider the following when choosing a designer for a project:

Communication is key so choose a designer who listens to what you have to say. Two-way communication results in success and a designer must always understand your personal desires, interests, and expectations.

Flexibility is also a key concern when it comes to design. The client-designer relationship is a very close one. Although a designer may naturally lean towards an eclectic style of decorating, you may have a more traditional style. Stay true to your personal tastes.

The designer must be willing to make multiple visits to your home. This is the only way he or she can determine how well things will work and coordinate. It is also important in determining spatial considerations and coordinating with existing interior design features. A good designer will thoughtfully and slowly evaluate all aspects of the room or house being considered before making any recommendations.

Decorating your home is a personal endeavor. The end result should be pleasing to you and not necessarily to your decorator. Decorators have personal tastes and ideas and sharing them with you is part of their job. But in the end, your home is a reflection of you and your personality and not the designer. Make sure your designer understands your needs and is flexible when choosing products and applications for you.

Designers are creative by nature. They enjoy finding new ways of doing things. A designer with a creative flair can suggest creative solutions for your home. He or she will help you in the selection of color, texture, and style. Listen to what the designer has to say and keep any open mind. Then make decisions based on your personal choices.

The client-designer relationship is an important part of your home design project. Choosing a designer who suits your personal needs is important and investing some time in selecting the best designer for your project pays off in the end.