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Do it yourself


Decorating Projects

Add a touch of you to your home. Decorating projects are just the thing to do it. Take a weekend with family or friends and focus on bringing inspiration to a physical palette. You can update any room in your home with just a little work. The project doesn’t have to be big to make an impact. Freshen up your home and tell a story at the same time. It will be your story one that you can brag about like old war stories. Doing it yourself can bring you a satisfaction that boast I did it all over it.

Focus Focus

It can be a challenge to bring room together or create a focal point. Adding style is not difficult. Focusing on one detail in the beginning can pull all those parts together. Don’t make decorating projects more difficult than are. Take pictures of the area before decorating to remind you of what you accomplished. You can make this project exciting and has complex as you like. Decide on your ability to take on this decorating project. Focus on your talents when planning the project. Your talents will make your efforts worthwhile and your work distinctive.


Decorating doesn’t just encompass buying furniture and accent pieces. Decorating projects give lift and life to a room or furniture. Take in consideration older but still functional pieces in your home and transform them, giving them a new look. Transform tables and nightstands with not only paint but with natural nature pieces. Purchase parts to fix broken furniture that maybe hiding in the attic or garage. The project can be using free items that you find around the house. Flea markets are an optional outlet to giving a vintage look to any design.

Where to Get Ideas

Undertaking the responsibility of decorating projects can get the juices flowing or cause a roadblock when trying to come up with ideas. Pick your friends mind for ideas in creating a theme or purpose for the project. The Internet can provide ways to freshen up a room or a lifeless piece of furniture. Look through an old magazine of any kind. You’ll be surprised the ideas that will flow through your head as you see as end table out the corner of your eye. Window-shopping can provoke inspiration as you notice the colors used on the walls or style of a small boutique. Take notice of nature because nature blends colors and textures. Don’t limit yourself to a pattern or texture. What may not work on paper may work perfectly in your decorating projects.

Give yourself a time frame so that you can accomplish any decorating projects you plan. Doing so will give you the motivation to finish your goal and the satisfaction that comes along with it.