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20. Simple House Exterior Maintenance Tips


Maintenance of the exteriors of a house is a year round task, but when warmer weather comes people tend to spend more time outdoors. This is why most people prefer doing a full inspection and maintenance in spring or early summer. What are the things you need to inspect and check during your typical exterior maintenance?

Gutters: Checking the gutters and the downspouts is absolutely necessary. These two elements prevent water from running to the foundation of your house, which can cause major problems to your house and walls. Regardless of the type of foundation or walls you have, you need to prevent moisture penetration by all means, because this will compromise the stability and value of your house. You should check the gutters for damage or leakage, clean them from debris and ensure that downspouts divert water away from the foundation.

Taking care of the siding: There are different types of siding that require different kind of maintenance. Wood, for instance, is prone to decay and moisture. Using or updating the right finishes can enhance the quality and durability of the wooden siding. Metal siding needs enamel finishes in order to hold up for long time and avoid rust and mold. Vinyl on the other hand needs corner and edge maintenance, since the most common deficiencies are found there. Vinyl is susceptible to wear with time, as its color usually fades. Replacing it or maintaining it properly is absolutely necessary. You need to inspect siding for decay or looseness, paint it every now and then depending on the material and secure individual pieces when they exist. You should also make sure that you keep trees away from the siding.

Check the masonry: Missing or deteriorating mortar is the most common deficiency in house exteriors. Deteriorating mortar can allow water penetration and freeze penetration in winter. Although you should be inspecting masonry often for cracked bricks, don’t skip it at least once a year, when you perform a typical exterior maintenance. Check the loose or missing mortar and check the patches.

Check the roof: Spring is the best time to check your roof. You should inspect for loose or damaged shingles, cracking and blistering and nests created by insects or birds. You should clean the debris and check the fascia for possible penetration or deterioration.

Examine the patio or deck for any damage: Even if you think you have used the best materials, you need to check all boards and nails. If something has become loose, you need to fix it or replace it because these little things can cause serious accidents.

Most homeowners do not consider the exterior vulnerable enough and tend to avoid regular maintenance, ignoring the fact that accidents or high energy bills could be the result of insufficient exterior inspection.