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7. Steps for successful exterior painting prep


Exterior painting of the house is urgent for two reasons. It makes the home look great. It also makes a statement against weather fury. But painting the exterior is not an easy job. The reason behind it is that the house takes good beating on the outside. There may be betel spots, flaking, cracked surfaces, leakage and molds.

You first have to scrape the exterior. Cut all the unwanted elements with a knife and supervise the exterior facet well. Do not leave any portion. Use sander and airbrush discreetly and make sure that you are not undeniably harsh for the external surface.

Then wash it with strong pipes. Water should be thrown onto the outer walls at a good speed and it will automatically get the space clean. If there are molds, get rid of them, as they are carriers of many bacterial diseases.

Caulk the surface well. This will take care of any weakness that the external walls are showing. Use wood oils on wooden surface and concrete stains on cement and concrete walls.

Having done that, remove all external hangings like cornices, shutters and other decorative elements. Keep the walls soaked for a day in hot weather. When the water will evaporate, it will leave a clean and dry exterior surface ready to get painted.

Check out the edges. If they are weakened, use tapes to cover them or drywall the external walls. It is also a great idea to make it firm and stable against weather. If the flakes have got too apparent, then remove them by sections. Knife and ladder are welcome instruments for this effect.

Then work out smart primer on the external walls. Do it elaborately on sidings. Priming makes the surface smooth and ready for final painting. Your city climate is a great indication for exterior painting. If there is too much pollution, go for dark painting. Do not let the soot remain very visible. Use oil fervently so that there would be lesser sticks of objectionable articles.

Check out the status of drains and pipes. If they are leaking, seal the pores. Otherwise they are sure to dampen the inner environment and also weaken the walls. They will also make painting harder on the surface.

If the surface is hard, go for smart brushing. Rolling on the exterior will not leave the effect as desired. If there are holes, nick them. Walls are prone to bird attacks and so do carry holes at critical junctures. Leaving them open could be adverse to their long life.

Once you have done these preparations, select an off day to spend on the painting. It is essential for boosting your home value and keeping it strong enough against natural and man-made (read pollution) obstructions.