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French Influence On Antique Furniture Design Article

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2.     French influence on antique furniture design


French influences can be seen in many of the antique furniture designs. It can be said that French designs have lent the antique furniture a completely new look and feel. Reportedly by mid 1960s, the antique furniture designs started making its entry throughout the lengths and breadths of North America. It has greatly influenced the scene of French Canadian furniture. The earlier furniture makers of that origin were expert in carpentry. They produced some of the supreme pieces of furniture as well. Some of the best pieces of antique furniture followed the patterns of original French items and are still considered to be valuable assets of the bygone era.

King Louis XV is believed to be the worst kings in France’s history; still at this time the furniture designs and patterns have undergone a vast change and reflected a free style. They were very graceful to look at. The curvaceous lines that lent the furniture that subtle finish was accomplished brilliantly and anyone can be attracted to these creations for their lifetime. Quite a contradictory fact, these antique furniture pieces also illustrated style, comfort and modernity to the hilt. Furthermore, Louis XV pieces also related a tale of exquisite craftsmanship in the form of hand-painted and hand-carved detailing. Some of the designs exude romanticism at its extreme and a glance at them will drive you into a world of sensuousness sooner or later. Again, it can be seen that furniture designs of Louis XV era is distinctly different from that of Louis XIV era.

The designs of Louis XIV also influenced various woodworkers. But these designs were not that classical. It depended upon angles and straight lines. The furniture was more or less bulkier than the earlier era. Machines were used to cut and paint this furniture. The furniture of Louis XIV period is specifically known for its feminine designs, such as flowers, diamonds and vines.

In the year 1804, Napoleon Bonaparte became the Emperor of France. Furniture of this era reflected his ego and style. At that time large sized furniture became an interior fashion statement. The design of this time period was completely different from Louis XV and XIV. The furniture produced during this time period is popularly known as Empire style. You cannot see any form of intricate carving; rather you can see some metal accents and wood veneers.

Over the period of time, some of the woodworkers came back to old Louis styles. The designs of French Canadian were very common. Pine, butternut and birch were some commonly used woods in the19th Century. Maple trees were found in abundant but the woodworkers did not prefer it for the purpose of furniture design. These were very hard for the manufacturing of furniture and mainly used as firewood. Very soon some other types of wood were introduced, which were of superior quality. The names can be mentioned as cherry and mahogany.

To sum up it can be concluded that French influence on antique furniture has worked wonders and also serve as an inspiration to the contemporary furniture designers.