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Popular Styles In Antique Furniture Article

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3.     Popular styles in antique furniture


Antique furniture has always served the purpose of lending your dream house the royal elegance and splendor. Some of the popular styles in antique furniture can be summed up in the following way:

Gothic style: During 1558 to 1625, the domestic furniture was very simple. The construction was essentially crude. The character of the furniture was massive and also solid. Generally rectilinear forms were prominent with some special reference to vertical form.

Early Colonial: This style was prominent during seventeenth century. Earlier American and English furniture was influenced by Italian Renaissance.

Louis XIV: During 1643 to 1715 people saw a unique type of furniture. This type was too some extent costly for the middle class people. But it should be mentioned that Louis XIV era furniture impressed public taste in the 2nd half of the seventeenth century.

Louis XV: During 1720 to 1760 this type of furniture was prevalent. This style is synonym for the word Rococo. This type of furniture was very comfortable. People from different class could use this and this furniture always fulfilled their needs.

William and Mary: During 1700 to 1725 this type of furniture was in fashion. By the eighteenth century a simple form of Baroque William and Mary pattern appeared and available in every houses of America.

Queen Anne: During 1725 to 1755, Queen Anne style was adopted by the Americans. The forms were simplified in different cases.

Chippendale: During 1755 to 1780 this form was in style. The Chippendale Chairs were really unique in style.

Sheraton: The time period was 1751to 1806. This style was very popular based on some factors such as excellent proportions, refined elegance and properly equal distribution of different ornaments. The influence of the Louis XVI and Robert Adam was very much prominent in this Sheraton style.

Windsor: Windsor was prominent in the eighteenth century.

Germanic: This eighteenth century German furniture presents some old tradition and culture. The motifs were really decorative and used to attract a lot of at lovers for its exclusive designs.

Federal: The time period was 1780 to 1820. This style is also known as Neo-Classicism.

Empire: The period was 1820 to 1840. This style contemplates the captivation of actual Roman and Greek furniture.

Biedermeier: During 1815 to 1860 this style was in fashion. The name derived from a political caricature coming out in a German newspaper.

Shaker: This type was prominent in nineteenth century. Shaker was a religious sect and that made an important part in American design.

Revival: This antique American furniture was popular in the nineteenth century.

Eastlake: This type was prominent in mid 1860’s. This type sometime called as Modern English Gothic.

Innovative: During 1800 to 1900 this type of furniture was prominent. At this time new materials and machines were introduced in furniture making.

Art Nouveau: This style of furniture was very popular during 1880 to 1920. The floral abstraction form was really rhythmic.