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Refinish Antique Furniture Article

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12. Refinish antique furniture


Antique furniture is always precious to anyone. We often don’t care if any furniture is there in our storeroom or basement. But many a time it can be seen that after refinishing these furniture becomes more beautiful to look at. Again if you go to buy antique furniture and find it in good condition, it is very exciting. But if it is not in that desired condition you have to bring the luster back to it. In both the cases the furniture need little servicing. If you are equipped with right kind of tools it does not need much time. You have to be little patient and considerate to bring the shine of your favorer antique furniture.

Some steps can be followed to make the process more systematic. You can also tell one of your buddies to accompany you in the process so that you won’t get bored. First of all you have to clean it thoroughly so that no dust can remain in the surface. In some of the cases after a good cleaning, it can be seen that the antique furniture doesn’t even need refinishing at all. But if after cleaning you think that the furniture should be refinished then comes the next step. The furniture should be rubbed with soft dry cloth to remove polish and old wax. Don’t rub so hard and try to keep the original finish intact.

The antique piece should be inspected carefully before starting the refinishing process. The edges and corners should be free from any kind of dust. It is up to you to decide the usage of the furniture. You want to keep in the original form holding its previous status or just want to make it reusable.

All the buildup should be cleaned and any hardware should be removed. You can keep the hardware away to apply different refinishing process. The next step can be pointed as you can use a restoring material in order to bring back the original shine and luster to the antique piece. You can take information about restoring product from different websites.

The next step includes applying a stripper gel to eth antique furniture. It should only be done if you have decided to strip the part of the furniture. You have to wait for twenty four hours as directed till you can apply next coat of stripping. When the piece becomes dry, rub it off with steel wool. You can feel the nice smoothness.

In the last step the finishing of the antique furniture should be done. The finishing can be done with lacquer or oil. Try to fish as closely as the original one. Hard work always brings good result and your antique furniture is the perfect result of your hard work.