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DIY Can I Or Cant I Article

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18. DIY - Can I or Can’t I?


In my humble opinion, many people who want to try DIY projects within their home often shy away from it and call in the professionals because they make things too complicated in their minds. There is an old saying: "Many good ideas Die, when the human mind over thinks them," meaning that many of us scare ourselves out of both imaginative thinking, and logical process.

Of course, we have to consider the parameters of any prospective DIY project. There are very many things around the home that do need professional expertise. Most of us are not skilled electricians. Most of us are not "finish carpenters", able to do intricate work. Most of us would not be able to open up a load bearing wall and not have the house come crashing down around our ears. In fact, most of us likely cannot tell which is a load bearing wall!

My best advice is if you don't feel really comfortable with what you want to do, get a pro into the picture. I also caution that although the internet is full of good DIY information, we may not learn enough really top skills from it.                   

There are some basic skills you want to make sure you have, as you begin to consider if you can do the prospect DIY project. Some are so simple, we may assume we know them, but maybe we don't.

 Can you read, and use a tape measure accurately? Do you know how to use a carpenter's level, for accurate, straight lines? Do you understand how to use "saw horses?" Can you drill a straight hole? Are you comfy using the power tools you need? Do you, indeed, have the PROPER tools for the job? Not all saws, and other power tools are universally able to do all things needed. You may be able to rip a board with a circular saw, but a table saw is far better.

 Safety first, please. Get a pair of safety glasses. Every tool throws things. Wear good well fitted clothing, and gloves. Use the protective guards on ALL of your saws. In every way, don't cut corners with safety. Make sure all ladders are well braced. Take you time in all things. Most projects are not a race.

Measure twice, cut once. A failed measurement of even small fractions can lead to all kinds of frustrations, plus waste of costly materials. If you can draw at all, do make at least a rudimentary written plan. Definitely make a pre-project list of materials needed.  

Use your full powers of imagination. What should the finished project look like? Ok, do you feel comfy in your abilities? If not, don't even start a project. Trust me, professionals will not appreciate a botched effort. Do take a few minutes between each part of the project, to make sure your vision of it still fits. It will cost a lot more time, effort and probably cash to put right at a later stage.

DIY can be simple, so most of us, if we do our thinking, can do more than we think.