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Do It Yourself Decorating Ideas Article

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8. Do It Yourself Decorating Ideas


Do it yourself decorating is a fast growing pastime that is so easy to do thanks to the modern equipment and wealth of information available to us today. Your average home maker can work absolute wonders with a jigsaw, a drill and a few other inexpensive items locally available at your home depot or hardware store.

Simply picking a project is probably the hardest part since there are so many options available. Decide whether you will simply be altering the decorative colour scheme in your chosen room or will you be adding or making furniture to alter the flow and function of the room?

An important consideration is lighting. Natural light is your most valuable decorative tool and can have a strong influence on whether you pick dark or light colours for your chosen project. A sun-filled room that enjoys all day sun exposure will more easily be able to carry strong décor themes in vibrant or dark colours than a small space that gets comparatively little direct sunlight.

A good idea is to choose a few set colours for your project and to stick within those parameters. Complimentary colours are a wonderful choice, particularly in pastel shades, or pick primary colours for a bold statement. Remember that vibrant reds will give a warm, emboldened feel to a room, whereas shades of blue will have a calming, cooling effect. Yellows are always cheery and are a good choice for rooms that will enjoy plenty of activity.

Use common sense to choose your colour schemes. A child’s bedroom, for example, would do well to be decorated in soothing shades of pale blue or the heart of the home, the kitchen, would benefit from a cheery shade of yellow. Bring in secondary colours such as orange or green or even a lighter or darker shades of the original colour to create accents in the space you are working with.

Your furnishings can add to this effect. Why settle for plain white furniture when with a simple coat of paint you can spruce up an old desk or even give it an antique feel by using a range of products available on the market today. A wonderful resource for decorating tips is at your fingertips and the World Wide Web is simply a mouse-click away. A vast array of do it yourself projects are available online at little or no cost to you.

It’s quite easy to change the entire look and feel of a room by adding clever colour accents and a few inexpensive items. Candles are a great and low cost way to not only bring light into a room, but colour as well. Candles come in all shapes and sizes and include a wide range of textures for you to choose from. Inexpensive, locally available and often scented, its as easy as striking a match to bring the scent of chocolate, vanilla or citronella into your home, a sure sign that décor is more than just three dimensional.