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Home Decoration Hiring A Painting Contractor Article

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13. Home Decoration – hiring a painting contractor


Of all the major decoration projects undertaken at home, getting a room, the whole house or the exterior painted; is one of the most frequently required jobs. Ideally, unless you’re skilled and aware of the health and injury risk, you should always hire these jobs out to professionals who are equipped to handle the task at hand. Painting requires the surface to be scraped clean of any previous paint or foreign substance that does not require painting over. Scraped paint flakes and particles can be harmful for you and with certain types of old paints - even carcinogenic. Also, equipment used by professionals besides protecting their health, also protects them from accidental injury. Once you are fully aware of the job you require and have in mind the paint colors you want applied, reach your local hardware store and find out the price of the paint you want used (if you’re unsure about this, ask your contractor to help).

Locating the contractor

Finding a contractor for paint jobs is simpler than finding contractors for other jobs. In most cases, there’d be someone you know who’s had a paint job done and would be able to locate a contractor through the friend. It’s also simple enough to ask at the hardware store that stocks your paint for a reference (they usually have lists of them). Call a few of the contractors and ask for references of their clients, so that you may verify the quality of the work done. When speaking with the referred clients, enquire about the cost and how the cost was arrived at.

Cost and job negotiation

Ask the painter who comes across as the best deal along with the best references to come over and access the work required to be done. From your research, you’d have an idea of how the charges would apply. The contractor would go about measuring the dimensions of the surfaces to be painted, and make a quotation on the service. The contractor would also make an estimate of the amount of paint that would be required. Based on your research, you may need to negotiate on the painter’s service quotation. Once you’ve both reached a sensible price (again this would have to be based on your research), you should check his authorization and any associated licenses, following which you ought to sign a formal contract that defines the work that the painter has agreed to perform, as well as the price quoted for the job. Ideally, the contract should also mention the amount of paint required, but this may vary by a slight margin and is not usually included in a contract. The contract would also bind the painter to any damage caused or protect you from any injury caused to the painter. You’re set to go once the contract has been signed and a time and date for the job to be executed has been finalized.