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Painting Techniques Applying Paint Properly Article

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Painting Techniques: Applying Paint Properly


Once you have prepared the walls of the room for painting, the next step is to get the paint up on the walls. This is not as difficult as it may seem since you have done most of the work to prepare the walls. They are clean, patches and primed. You have also made clean up much simpler by using painters tape around all areas you do not want to place paint on. A few drop cloths down and all the right tools in hand, it is time to start applying the paint.

The first step in the painting process is to do the trim work. The trim work is a term used for the edges of the painting project. If you are painting just one wall, for example, the trim work is the edges, both sides and the top and bottom. You also want to paint any corners and around any fixtures or other elements on the walls. This process is done using a paintbrush, not your roller. The reasoning is simple: the roller is unable to get into all of these spaces easily without getting paint everywhere. Trim work takes longer but it is often a good place to start because your roller will be able to cover up most of the brush strokes you create.

Once you have the trim work done, the next step in the process is to start painting the mid section of the walls. Here are some tips to help you through this process.

Apply paint using a roller. You can use an extension are for more control and to reach higher areas. Roll the roller into the paint pan, saturating it with paint. You do not want too much paint on the roller. If it is dripping, that is too much.

Apply a big letter "M" onto the wall using the roller. This way, the majority of the paint on the roller is applied over the wall in a virtually even way. Then, go back with the roller and start to cover up the spaces on the sides, top and bottom of the letter "M" evenly.

Avoid straight up and down movements with the roller. This will create lines and potentially unevenness. Rather, move in all directions.

Be sure to overlap the paint with each section or dip into the paint. This will keep the application process even and neat.

Keep working at the process until the space is painted fully.

After the paint has fully dried, come back to it to determine if a second coat is necessary. It will be in most cases, especially when you want a richer color tone or when you are painting over a darker color underneath.