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Texture And Interior Paint Article

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Texture and Interior Paint


Most people think about only color when they are thinking about painting a space. Color is a big component of any wall or item, but you also may want to consider the texture of the walls, too. For example, if you are painting your hallway, you may want to keep a solid, even texture throughout this space. In your living room, you may have a need for something to be added of visual interest to the space. Texture may be just what you need to accomplish that. It can be fairly easy to create texture using interior painting processes.

Ideas To Consider

There are several ways to create texture on your walls using paint or painting techniques. You can choose any of the following methods or create your own method, too. Be as creative as you would like to.

Crackle the paint job: When painting some surfaces you may want to create a crackled look, such as that it looks like the paint is actually small pieces of stone placed together. Sometimes this can create that faux antique look you are after. This type of look works on all sorts of surfaces, including on furniture!

Death of color and texture can be added to a space using a sponging method. Apply two colors of paint using two sponges. For example, paint the walls a base color. Then, have to additional shades of color available and apply one to each sponge. Then dab onto the walls in various designs or just randomly. This creates a unique look to the space that is visually appealing. It creates texture to the space without changing the actual feel of the wall.

Stenciling and murals are another great way to add texture and visual interest to a space. You will find many unique options to select from here. You could free form the design on your own or you may want to purchase kits that can help you to create the look you are after fairly easily. In either case, it is best to choose a look or theme that works with the space you are designing in.

These are just some of the ways you can add texture and visual appeal to any space. You may want to consider a ragging technique. Another option is to use a dragging technique to create faux wood designs to a space. The more creative you can be with the techniques you use to paint a space the more unique and interesting your space will be. Paint is easy to cover up if you do not like the project in the end. But, in many situations, you will simply fall in love with the job you have done in your space.