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Satisfied With Your Home Decorating Plans Article

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10. Satisfied With Your Home Decorating Plans?


When you move into a new house, the most important aspect of it all is decorating the place and making it your own. When you plan out a home decoration or redecoration, it is important to consider both the factors – a do it yourself plan and the option to hire an interior decorator.

Though an interior decorator would probably be the best person to make your home look beautiful, elegant, stylish and sophisticated all at the same time – their services could also render you in debt. Decorator fees are pretty steep and after the purchase of the house, most people stretch out their decorations over a period of time. In short, hiring a decorator could be unaffordable for a large majority.

That said, in no way does it imply that homes do not look beautiful or inviting when not attended by a professional! With the right mix of colors, styles and personal touches, your dream home is just an imagination away. There are some steps to consider though –budget, style and color must guide your choices at all times.

With the changing times, you need not follow one theme throughout the house. The kids room could be done up by them and you could mix and match old furniture with some new pieces to create a nice lived-in look. Make sure you do not allow for too many clashes in color or styles. Achieve the look by centering your room’s look around one piece like a sofa or a pretty painting and work your creativity around it.

Choose one color to go for the room and then choose no more than two complimentary colors to compliment the entire room. The furnishings, color of the sofa, walls and hints in the paintings must all be in harmony. You could also look through magazines to see the way color coordination and contrasts work and use them for reference.

However, if you are looking to create a certain kind of ambience, say, if you invite a lot of guests every weekend – you may not want to experiment or wait for long to decorate. A professional at such times is a great help and he can follow your style completely. Also, a professional can advise of small things like the wall next to the fireplace must not be cheery red but wine red to go with the mahogany tiling on the fire place.

A home decorator can also help you bring out all the old pretty pieces and furniture you were not sure where to showcase. Another amazing factor in interior decoration is proper lighting which can be very difficult for a layman to conceive. Mirrors at the right place and a light above the painting in the hallway can bring attention to some of your pretty possessions!

With proper pre-planning and a good style sense either you or with help of your home decorator can create a home that reflects your personality and gets you enough applause!