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Converting A Bedroom To A Childs Playroom Article

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Converting a Bedroom to a Child’s Playroom


This is probably the easiest room conversion you’ll ever make and definitely the most fun. You may want to start with emptying the room and then cleaning it from top to bottom. Then it’s time to paint. Depending on your budget, level of creativity, and courage, you can paint the room all one color or experiment with murals. For very young children, you might even paint letters and numbers on the wall to inspire learning. Children love brightly colored things so you may want to paint the playroom in a way far removed from the rest of your house. Many parents draw inspiration from school and daycare classrooms when they design their children’s’ playrooms.

Get Organized

There are many ways you can organize the toys and supplies in a playroom. You may have to rely on your budget constraints to a point but essentially, shelving, bins, and hooks work wonders to keep things organized. You don’t have to buy the top of the line on every item; just choose good quality, sturdy items that will help you and your kids to stay organized.


Whether you use freestanding shelves or attach shelving to the walls, you’ll get to use less of the wall space in this room simply because children need to be able to reach their things easily and they need to be able to put them away as well. If possible, use bins with the shelving to separate small toys; you can either buy a commercial unit or purchase small bins to place on the shelves. If possible, attach labels; words as well as pictures will help young children know where to find things and also where to put them away after play.

The Floor

Play rugs are great in children’s’ playrooms and encourage creativity and imagination. There are a wide variety of play rugs on the market; some of them simply have the alphabet on them and others are made to play with small cars. For the most part, you want to have as large a floor area as possible so there will be plenty of room for play but play rugs are great because they do double duty.


Wall hooks are inexpensive and responsible for a great deal of organization. You can teach your children to hang up their own things easily with wall hooks. Jackets, hats, book bags, and the like can stay organized with wall hooks and it is a great way to teach young children to hang up their own things.

Table and Chairs

If there’s room, try to have at least a small table and chairs in the playroom for activities like coloring, drawing, and arts and crafts. If you have very young children, a child’s table and chair set will be perfect; if they are older, you can always use a card table.

The beauty of designing your own child’s playroom is that there are really no rules. You design it to suit your needs and your budget and your children will love it no matter what you put in it. Children love to feel like they have a special area and they are sure to be thrilled with whatever playroom you design.