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Designing Your Bedroom with Sleep in Mind


For most of us, our bedroom is an oasis, a place we can go to not only to sleep, but to get away from the cares of the world. All too often, though, we drag the outside world into our bedrooms with us; some of us even work in our bedrooms and then wonder later why we can’t sleep.

Whether you’re moving into a new place or are redoing the bedroom you’re already sleeping in, leave the work outside and design your room with peace and sleep in mind.

Choose Soothing Colors

A lot of marketing dollars go into studying which colors induce people to do particular things, such as eating, shopping, and other activities. While you should choose colors that you like, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that soothing colors in a tranquil and peaceful room are far more conducive to sleep than loud colors and work strewn about the room. As long as you’re updating, you might as well opt for soothing pastels that will present a tranquil environment. If your budget allows, carry the soothing color scheme over to your bed linens also and invest in plush pillows that make you look forward to slipping into bed at night.

Consider Your Audio Choices Wisely

Millions of people have television sets in their bedrooms in this day and age, but the fact is, they are just not conducive to a good night’s sleep. Instead of a television, consider placing a small water fountain on your bedside table or somewhere near the bed so you can fall asleep listening to the soothing sounds of the water instead of the blaring TV. Consider running a fan as you sleep as this will help to block out extraneous noise and it may also help to ensure that you don’t get too hot.

Make Your Bedroom Your Retreat

Consider converting a corner of your bedroom to a sanctuary where you can lounge and read a book or just close your eyes and meditate. Keep some scented candles or potpourri nearby and invest in a lounge chair, preferably near a window where you can snuggle up under an afghan and while away a few hours on rainy afternoons. You will find yourself looking forward to the time you can spend in your room and you will also start to feel calmer and more relaxed when you enter your sanctuary.

Remember, there is a world of difference between curling up with a good book and taking work into your sanctuary so make it a rule from the very beginning not to allow work or stress to enter the room. By creating a soft, soothing room in which to retreat and sleep, you will find that you are sleeping better at night and you will look forward to retreating to your special corner when time permits.