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Making Guests Feel Comfortable


It’s great when you can have a guestroom to offer friends and family who may be visiting from out of town but it can be stressful, not only for you but for your guests as well. If you’re the kind that stresses out when company comes to visit, remember they are likely to be stressed also as they are out of the comfort of their own home and relying on you for hospitality. You can make their stay a lot more comfortable by sprinkling a few little comforts around the guestroom and ensuring your guests have everything they need.


Even small touches like a basket of snacks and a few magazines can make your guests feel much more at ease. There’s nothing worse than being hungry in the middle of the night and lying there with your stomach rumbling because you don’t want to disturb anyone else in the house. A basket with some fruit, crackers, and granola bars, along with some bottled water is a nice touch. If there’s not a television set already in the room and you have a spare one, this is a nice touch also.

If possible, keep an alarm clock and a lamp on the bedside table in case your guests need to get up at a certain time. Guests who are staying for more than a day or two would also appreciate a little drawer and closet space so they can put their clothes away.

Bed Linens and Pillows

Try to keep an extra blanket or two and extra pillows in the guestroom where your guests can find them after you’re asleep. They may wake up cold in the night and not want to disturb you so make a list ahead of time of everything you think they might need. If there’s not a ceiling fan in the room, you might include a portable fan in case your guests get too warm in the night. Not being able to regulate the temperature in the room can be very frustrating and you don’t want your guests to be too cold or too warm.


If your guests will be using a separate bathroom, make sure it is fully stocked with toiletries, towels, and washcloths. Try to have items like cotton swabs and Band-Aids handy also. You might also plug in a nightlight in the bathroom and hallway so your guests can find their way around in the dark.

Other Special Touches

If you know your guests very well then you probably have a sense of the kinds of things they like and don’t like. Try to accommodate them as much as possible and include special touches when you can. If you know a guest loves to work crossword puzzles, stick one in among the magazines. Pretend your guestroom is a grand hotel room and have it looking attractive and full of amenities as you welcome your guests.