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Put Your Hallways to Work


Hallways are a lot of fun to design because it’s almost like instant gratification. There’s not an awful lot of work to do yet the rewards are quick. You can choose between décor or function or you can design with both in mind. Let’s look at some of the ways you can design and decorate your hallways.

Décor and Function

Hallways come in a wide variety of sizes so you may or may not have much room in which to decorate or implement a functional piece. Still, a barren hallway can seem awfully drab so look to see how you can bring this space alive. If your hallway is wide enough and it won’t block traffic, it may be an excellent place to put in a small bookcase. Include some candles and potpourri, along with a few pictures on the wall and you’ve transformed a small area into a creative one. Hallways also make great places for photo galleries. Consider making your hallway your black and white photo gallery and hang a themed collection here.

If you’ve got the room, a hall tree makes an excellent accent for hallways. Not only are they beautiful but many of them come with storage hooks and extra storage in the bench. If you can’t afford a new one, look for an unfinished one or even an old one you find at a flea market. Refinish or paint, add new hooks and you’ve got an impressive piece of furniture that will keep a ton of clutter in line

Pure Function

Back hallways make excellent mudrooms. Hang a few hooks along the wall for coats and jackets and hats. Stash an umbrella stand in the corner and make room for muddy shoes and boots. While it may not be an exciting designing job, it will definitely help to keep the wet and muck out of other parts of your home. You can also hang up wet bathing suits and wet towels and if there’s room, outside toys may also find a home here.

Consider installing some ambient lighting to light the way and to provide décor as well. Think wall sconces to provide a soft glow amid pictures or other wall objects. Look through magazines and websites to find oddball decorations like the pouch out of an old suitcase. Attach it to the wall and stick in a magazine or two or a special picture. Small spaces like hallways are easy to decorate and it’s also easy to change the decorations as the seasons change or as needs and tastes change. Whether you are designing your hallways for function or just for fun, let this space work for you in whatever way suits your personal style and needs.