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Transforming a Child’s Room Into a Guestroom


Transforming a child’s room to a guestroom is often more emotionally draining that it is physically, especially if your child has recently left the nest. If your child left home for college, there may still be several items left behind that you’ll need to store elsewhere in the home if you plan on having guests very often. While your child may be sentimental about losing his or her room, if they just went off to college, they’ll still have a familiar place to bed down when they come home, although it will be transformed. However, if your child has left the nest and moved out on their own, you may have to give an extra nudge or two if they didn’t take all their stuff with them.

Once you’ve gotten any clutter or extra items out of the room, you’ll want to remove the furniture and clean it from top to bottom. Pay special attention to corners and ceilings and if there is a ceiling fan, now would be a good time to clean the blades. If your son or daughter had a twin bed or bunk beds, you may want to upgrade to a full or queen size if the room can accommodate the bigger bed.

You’ll want to actually plan the entire room beforehand, especially if you plan to paint because you will want to accent the room with items that go with the color of the walls and curtains, if you have them. You may have a lot of fun playing around with some of the online software that decorators use. You can repaint as many times as you want to experiment with color schemes and you can also change out the flooring and experiment with different types of furniture. Once you’ve made all the critical decisions, it’s time to paint and then you’ll have the fun of actually decorating the room.

If you will have guests with any frequency at all, try to keep the guestroom a guestroom and avoid letting it become a catchall for items from around the house. If you store anything in the guestroom closet, choose something that is easy to remove, like extra blankets and pillows. You don’t want to have to spend an entire day cleaning out the guestroom closet just when you’re expecting company.

Decorate the room as you would decorate a grand hotel room and make sure you leave your guests room to put their things away. Try to decorate the room in neutral colors so that men will feel as comfortable as women. If you’re redoing the room now but not having guests until later, look for small touches to add as time goes on so that when your guests do arrive, they will have everything they need to be comfortable.