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4. Bedrooms in Flux, Change with the Seasons


It’s surprising how much time anyone spends in the bedroom, even if it’s simply being asleep. In fact, because the bedroom needs to be a place of comfort and relaxation, it’s extremely important to do up the bedroom to go with the seasons. It would be exciting to come into a bedroom that has a ‘new’ feel to it every few months. Besides, there are a bunch of areas within the bedroom that when changed would give the whole room a new look and feel – and this can be accomplished without exorbitant cost. That’s why planning is important; look at your calendar and make a conscious decision on the times of the year you could do with a complete bedroom makeover.

The two most obvious changes you could make would be to the bedcovers and the curtains. In fact just changing these would transform the whole room. Going with light colors during the summer, pastels in autumn and switching to darker shades for the winter may be ideal. The beautiful part in redoing the bedroom is that besides colors, prints and look, you could even go ahead and change the feel of the material by opting for lighter or thicker material and even different weaves. You could go ahead and theme your bedroom through the ages or even by regions of the world. For example, over the winter, you could change sheets and curtains to heavy material with medieval designs. Come summer however, you could opt for light materials – both in feel and color, so that they make the room feel Mediterranean.

There are a number of other places in the bedroom where you could make changes. The lampshades should all be changed to go with the theme, since lighting makes a great difference to the way a room looks. In fact if you’re willing to take lighting to the next stage, look at changing the wattage lights. Even the shape of the shades, make a vast difference in affecting the general ambiance of the bedroom. Taller shades go better with dark colors while the more squat light shades would go best with a brighter room.

There are also the rugs that may be changed, but this would depend entirely on the amount of storage space you have available at home. The market has a few rugs that may be flipped over for a different look, but it’s advisable to go with basic colors when opting for these. If you have framed pictures on the walls, you may go about changing the pictures to go with the season too. Whichever way you like it, a change in the general theme of the bedroom makes for a massive difference in general mood and wellbeing.