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Changing Dcor With The Seasons Article

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7. Changing décor with the seasons


Seasons come and seasons go, and the home should look the part and feel it too. Over time, seasons have begun to affect us humans lesser that in the past. But, affect us or not, the seasons are still around us nature and since we’re as much a part of nature as every living creature, its but befitting to be in sync with the seasons. The primary seasons in most areas of the world are those of summer and winter. Many areas also have transitional seasons like spring and autumn. Places in temperate zones also go through seasonal changes but these are at a more moderated pace without too much of dramatic difference between seasons.

It’s important to decorate the home appropriately for the season, both for practical as well as aesthetic reasons. Take summer for instance, its warm and the air is quite still. Homes at this time would benefit from looking cooler, attracting and holding onto less heat, and home decoration should allow the home to best allow spaces to breathe. Winter on the other hand requires a completely different approach to home decoration. This season calls for heavy drapes, darker colors to attract and hold heat and object around the home that are useful or are required to assist with the larger amounts of time spent within the home.

Spring and autumn though are transitional seasons and where these are actually recognizable, changing decoration at home would go a long way in keeping with the over feel for the season. For example, spring is a time of blooming flowers, brighter days of sunshine and in areas of cold – the thaw. It’s a time when birds migrate and animals awaken from hibernation. For us humans too it’s a time of jubilation. It means being able to produce more and enjoy brighter days. The home should reflect these changes in the season by becoming brighter from within. Thick drapes and rugs should be done away with, and curtains should be light and bright, so as to let in the sunshine. It’s the outside of the home that could do with a face lift, and hanging plants, creepers and outdoor decorations like flags or figurines are very attractive.

Autumn too has its specific theme for the house and it revolves around bracing for the cold of winter. The home should transform itself at this time to becoming warmer. Thicker drapes, rugs and throws are the usual decorative features in the home. Kitchens and dining areas that look like they’ve been well stocked and inviting for lengthy means, are how the theme would flow.

In areas of more temperate climate, seasonal changes to decoration would be more subtle but would in effect stick to the same guidelines.