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Decorating The Garden With A Seasonal Theme Section


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Decorating The Garden With A Seasonal Theme Article

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1. Decorating the garden with a seasonal theme


If you have a garden, then you already have a canvas on which to enhance your home’s attractiveness. A garden has many possibilities available when you think about decoration. First of all, undertaking the planting of seasonal flowers, with a little effort, can work magic in the garden. If you have specific trees that bear fruit or flower during specific seasons, these can also be the highlight of your garden during the particular season. However, most folks don’t have the luxury of fruit bearing or flowering foliage in their gardens so a little creative decoration is what should be done.

The main space within a garden area is usually the lawn and other areas of grass. Grass is like blank slate and by itself looks beautiful. However the look of the grass may be enhanced with certain objects that reflect the season. In summer for instance, you could put out a bird bath on a pedestal. This will help by encouraging the birds in (which in themselves are seasonal attractions.

Trees and bushes too can be decorated without making them look ugly. There are many cultures across the globe that attach colored string (or even bunches of colored string) to the branches of trees, so that these waft about in the breeze. If that’s not your style, you could place an outdoor lamp at the base of a large plant so that its leaves are highlighted from below at night when the lamp is switched on. Garden lighting in fact is fast becoming a decorative niche. Weaving lights through a hedge creates an exciting effect when the lights are switched on.

Playing with water too is fast gaining momentum as a popular mode of garden decor. During the winter, water frozen in an outdoor mould may be hand carved and left as a garden attraction for the entire winter period. The carving could be a modern abstract creation or represent an object or life-form. A summer water decoration would be a still pool or a large outdoor fish tank (if you live in a cold area, an outdoor fish tank may not be practical). An autumn and spring fascination may be setting up a decorative water fall that launches from the roof to a collection pond at ground level. Direction of water flow is maintained by stretching out string from the higher level to the lower.

Figurines have long been used in garden decoration and these may be rotated according to the season. Going with themes from folklore is popular and you could get really creative by delving in to forgotten or unique figurines from a verity of global cultures. Garden gnomes especially may be dressed up according to the season and make for a unique conversational item.