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Festive Decorations Article

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18.  Festive Decorations


How can you possibly experience the festive spirit without the gamut of festive decorations adorning your home? So come September get all the cheerful stuff out, add some creativity to it and create a happy holiday mood for your family and yourself. Decorating the house can in itself turn into a joyous occasion for the entire family. Decorations don’t have to be overtly opulent anything done with togetherness and creativity can produce exciting results. Of course you will need to plan ahead so that you can get all the things ready before you start. So you will first have to decide on the area of your house that you intend to decorate. Also you need to decide how much you intend to spend on your decorative ideas. Once you have these two factors down you are all ready to start, Draw up a list of things that you will need but rummage through your attic before you go out on a shopping spree. Here are a few tips to help you out.

Try to use as many natural things as you can, there are two advantages to doing so one you are doing something good for the planet and two they dont cost a lot. So go out for a walk before the holiday season and collect all the interesting looking branches and twigs that you can find. You can then color them and bunch them together with colorful ribbons, next add some beads to the arrangement and complete with white lights. This arrangement can be used on the door or put it up on the wall.

Make a bouquet of flowers with the holiday blossoms of poinsettias, white amaryllis, clove studded oranges silver bells and tree sprigs painted silver. Place this arrangement in a beautiful crystal vase and put this up on the fire place mantel. You can also make a similar arrangement with roses, lilies, carnations and other flowers for the dining table.

Nothing bespeaks of the holiday spirit like colorful candles, go for white and red colored thick candles with rows of sparkling beads wrapped around them, place these with the flower arrangement on the mantel. You can also use cheap transparent vases filled with colorful beads. Place a couple of these around the house for a holiday look. Alternatively you can also fill up the vases with strands of single colored lights in red, white and green. The vases should be of different sizes, place them near an electrical point and switch on the lights in them.

It is best to keep a limited budget for your decorations so the most appropriate places to shop are dollar stores and you can save the rest for gifts after all a family can never have too many gifts. So enjoy the holiday season with your entire family and involve everybody in creating their own decorative master pieces.