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Five Tips For Summer Decorating Your Home Article

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11. Five tips for summer decorating your home


When summer comes along, it’s always time to open up the windows and let in as much light and fresh air as possible. Summer is a season that spills over in its feeling of freedom and abandon. In going along with this feeling it’s important to decorate the home in a manner that reflects the care free abandon. Here’re a few tips that will ensure your home gets ready for summer without becoming too very expensive.

Go minimalist. Remove, store and push away any furniture or object that is not required for practical use. The summer months call for being outdoors a great deal and a home looks ‘overly warm’ with excessive clutter during this season. Place chairs and sofas as far back against the walls as possible. Take down heavy curtains and put in place or light fabric drapes instead. This will help let air flow about the house and for the exchange of air with the outside of the house.

Repaint, but not everywhere. Unless it becomes absolutely necessary because of peeling paint or plaster to repaint entire rooms, all you really need to do is repaint specific walls that receive the most attention. In fact, the wall facing the window should be the ideal candidate for a repaint with a light bright color since it would hold the spotlight in the room. If you have washable paint on the walls, a good wash of the walls will also brighten up the room. In bathrooms, where there are fixtures, you could stick to just painting a large strip above waist height, with a bright color.

Use reflective surfaces. A house with every area that’s lit up with natural light looks more in tune with summer. If you have a wall with a painting that’s not very important to have around, this could be replaces with a large framed mirror. Glass object around rooms add to the reflective quality of a room and help disperse light. You could do without sunlight that does damage like fading walls or linen, and if affordable, have UV film installed on panes that receive a great deal of sunlight.

Water bodies are very relaxing. If you have the will to, get yourself an aquarium. Water is very calming during the summer and gives the mind a sense of peace. Alternatively, you could place large vessels with water topped with floating flowers, especially in the living room or in the dining area. If affordable, you may want an indoor or outdoor waterfall installed (without it looking crass).

Finally, decorate the outside of your home in a summery manner. A flag that catches a breeze, deck umbrellas and perhaps a hammock would really highlight your being in sync with the season.