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Five Tips For Winter Decoration Article

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9. Five tips for winter decoration


Winter is a time for warmth and the season brings with it festivities too. Also, there’s a considerable amount of time spent by families at home. Keeping in mind the practicalities required for winter and comfort in mind, here are a few tips towards making your home winter ready on the decorative front. The winter is especially exciting because of the number of holidays thrown about and the festivity that comes along with the season, so brace your home appropriately.

The setting of furniture is the most important. As already mentioned, families tend to spend considerable amounts of time together during the winter when going outdoors may be downright unpleasant. The furniture needs to be arranged about the house in an intimate manner so that there isn’t a feeling of any distance between family. Also, furniture placed away from walls will remain warmer. If there is a fire place in the living space, furniture should be arranged around this area.

Change the lighting so that it glows warmer. Use slightly low wattage illumination that lets off a golden glow. This provides a warm visual effect (like that of an ember). Besides this, it would be useful to have candles about the home which may be lit on occasion to heighten the feeling of warmth. You need to be wary about the placing of candles though since this is a fire hazard.

Since warmth is so much in demand during the winter, it would be wonderful to have throws and quilted covers carefully placed (supposedly in a random manner) about the house; on chairs, sofas and in living spaces. While it adds to comfort when lounging about the house, the mental picture it creates is again one of warmth and this adds very much the entire homely effect of winter.

Festival decoration is essential for the winter. To enliven the environment and lead away from the feeling moroseness that’s afflictive during the winter, garden lighting with soft lighting below trees and window lighting with sparkling lights may be placed prudently so as to create the most dramatic effect. Extreme caution should be taken while hanging up lighting around the house, and especially so for outdoor lighting. The gleam of a house that’s well lit during the winter on the outside provides passersby with the feeling of revelry within your home.

Last off, every home could do with an adequate supply of engaging material appropriately placed in plain sight around the home. Winter is a time when ample time is available for recreation at home and engaging material could include books, board games, cards or even indoor sport (if the space permits) such as snooker or billiards. Having activity material about the house is interesting as well as decorative.