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16. Lighting Up, Poor


I am, without a doubt, a total freak when it comes to decorating for Christmas. Yes indeed, I am quite an adult, yet I still believe in Santa Claus! I think I am living proof that one does not have to spend beyond your means to light up the holiday.

To do this, one certainly has to depend upon the habits of richer folks. They are always looking for "new" and "more" and that leads to some fine discards of really good decorations. I shop for my own "more" at thrift shops, yard sales, and after Christmas" sales. It does help to be able to make minor repairs.

The only string of lights I've ever bought "new" is a relic from 42 years ago, that I bought for my wife's and my first Christmas, together. Everything else is second hand and this is a great way to save money. Replacement bulbs can often be found in boxes of miscellaneous goods at these sales. I may have to take some pure junk in those boxes to get my treasures.

I am not some spendthrift crank. It’s just that I, like many people these days, need to be careful with my dollars. So what if I have many different kinds of lights, and ornaments. I think that makes my displays more interesting, than so many of today's, store bought, correct lighting.

I have more than 1000 lights. I have some reindeer, a couple of Santas, and a small crèche. Yes, I do pay attention to the REAL reason for the Christmas celebration. Each year, I add something to my collection. I planted my own outdoor tree, many years ago, and it serves me well, today. That is where that relic string of lights goes. I do not think I more than $100.00 invested in all that I have.

I do caution you to be certain any electrical items do have the proper UL tag for "outdoor use" lighting. I also be sure each string has a fuse link. If you are going to use many lights, also use a dedicated "plug in" with at least 20 amp breaker service, because mixed lights do need more "juice."

My neighbors think I'm crazy, but they do love my bright yard. I like to think it helps Santa find my home, and I also hope Jesus smiles. So if you are not afraid to be unique, and perhaps a bit eccentric, get thee to the places where you can buy cheaply, and don't be afraid to mix, and match. This can be economical, and fun to do. Merry Christmas!