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20. Seasonal Home Décor and You


Every home must get an uplift even if only occasionally. To keep it all organized and help you keep up with the changes outside, how about changing the way your home looks inside every season? Use different styles, colors, change the way furniture is arranged and you will have a different home welcoming you in just a few hours. Here are some tips for changing your home this spring and summer.

Spring collections

Spring is a relief and release from snow and ice for many of us – rejuvenate your house with a lively décor. Nothing says spring louder than flowers – add a flower bed in wooden boxes inside the home. The dining area could get livelier with some pretty flowers nearby, so could the kitchen sill!

The upholstery could all be changed to bright citrus colors with rugs and cushions in colorful patterns. Add vases filled with flowers and natural items like jute bags or carpets and you have a winner! A more ‘spring look’ could be incorporated into the curtains for kitchen and the rugs in your living room – actually just by changing these two around the house you could achieve a totally different look. Candles that small like spring can be bought anywhere and added to the flowers everywhere, it will surely look and smell like a welcome change!

Hot and spicy summer

Summer…water…beach…breeze…yes, it is easy to connect the words. Now, your home could look like it connects with the season too! Stash away your décor and replace them with décor that resembles the beach, islands…anything them makes you think COOL. So, maybe little pieces made out of shell, an urn with water and flowers floating in them and your home is the best place to be!

Get a nice outdoor space, a patio, converted into a nice seating area with new plants and water arrangements all around to enjoy. Not only will it be pleasing to the eye and keep cool, you could even entertain friends in the area!

If you can spend some money for the change and summer décor, I would highly recommend investing in a fish aquarium. Add some exotic and pretty fish to it and you can have a centerpiece for a room or fill up the corner that lay vacant. The soothing sound of water would be refreshing and fish stabilize thoughts too!

Whichever season it may be, just with a few pieces of rotational furniture or rearrangements, you could renew your home with every season quite affordably! You could also visit a flea market to get interesting pieces at throw away prices that go with your theme or check out various websites full of ideas for every season.