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2. Seasonal Living Spaces


Entertaining at home mostly revolves around the living room and other living spaces around the house. When a guest walks into your home, they are immediately attracted to the visual effect of the environment that has been created. Imagine the experience changing over time so that every visit is an entirely new feeling, even though the home being visited and the people within are very much the same. This is precisely the kind of effect implementing a seasonal decorative change would imply. Decorating or redecorating can turn into an expensive process so it’s important to plan and consciously implement a change for the season.

First off, identify the largest focus areas in the living area. These could be the sofas, the furniture, windows, doors and curtains. Make out a list of everything that you have in the space, the kind of decoration that’s already in place; and finally, the changes that you would like to make to spruce up the place. This will help you make out a budget, shopping list and creativity list.

Sofas and cushions should definitely be changed, with the old season’s covers being washed and safely stored away. It’s most attractive to create a theme and turn the space around according to the theme. Go with bright colors during the warmer months and darker shades during the cooler months of the year. Fabrics can also be played with, and using thicker material with larger weaves is not uncommon during the winter. Curtains can also do with a change and a similar theme should be applied to the curtains as well. You may not want to opt for everything to be the same color since this would make the space very monotonous, so variation in the colors would be encouraging.

The living spaces have numerous objects that may be aptly decorated and swapped. If there are lamps around, go ahead and change the shades to suit the theme that’s been created. This would create the lighting mood that’s appropriate to the feel of the season. Vases and jars that are on chests or the mantle may clash with the look that’s being created so replacing these would be a good idea. Since these objects are candy for the eye within the environment of a living space, try to acquire pieces that are attractive, but not gaudy.

Doors may have hangings or wreaths and these add to the atmosphere of a living space. Wreaths especially need to be changed too with the season. A brown and ochre wreath hanging on the door would add to the season’s charm. A white or green wreath would sync with the arrival of winter, while a flowery bright wreath would harmonize with spring. Simple decorations make for the most impactful attractions.