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Seasonal Changes To The Childrens Rooms Section


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Seasonal Changes To The Childrens Rooms Article

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3. Seasonal changes to the Children’s Rooms


Home décor is fascinating in itself, and gets especially interesting as soon as the children’s rooms need to be done up. It would all of course depend on how old (or young) the children are. Going with a seasonal theme however lasts through the ages and decoration through seasonal themes has much scope for making the children’s room lively and exciting. Also, you need to keep in mind that any decoration done to the children’s room should foster creativity and instill a sense of liveliness. If there are children about the house, the best place to begin a decorative change for the season would be the children’s room(s).

There are numerous ways by which to change the look and feel of the children’s rooms. The simplest way would be to get the bedspreads, curtains and wall hangings replaced. Store away the spring sheets and curtains and bring out the summer’s linen. If possible, move the furniture about a bit so that the maximum sunlight is available on the beds and play areas. Moving furniture about can be especially exciting for children since their minds thrive on change, and a new layout to the room would be very exciting. It’s important to keep the colors as lively as possible through the seasons, and unlike adults, children find lighter and brighter color more attractive.

Wall decorations should be changed as frequently as possible. It would be a good idea to put up hangings that lend to bringing out a creative spark in the child’s mind. The walls in a child’s space make a big impact to the way a child’s mind functions. What the eyes see, the mind believes, so go ahead and apply as much creativity as you can to the children’s rooms.

Decoration would also involve making changes to the play area. It’s surprising how swiftly a child can become tired of playing with certain items. Children require verity in their lives and so the children’s rooms should reflect a constant change in its state (without of course being shocking). Subtle changes to a play area with the addition and removal of specific toys or creative material as the seasons change would add quality to a child’s life.

The ceiling of course should not be left out. Ceilings may be done up with danglers, stickers or with a fresh coat of paint. Painting every season may not be practical so ceiling mounted danglers would be most effective, and may be themed to go with the room’s seasonal change. These can also be made by or along with the child so that there is an experience that goes with each decorative item being put into the room. Also, get as much input from your children as practically possible. Their involvement is all part of the decorating process.