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5. Sprucing up your Kitchen, Seasonally


Home decoration never required as much creativity as it does when it comes to decorating the kitchen. This is an area of the home that’s often left out and looks the same day in and day out, every day of the year. But to get out the creative you in your cooking, it’s important to give the cooking environment a creative touch too. Here are some of the simplest methods of getting the kitchen to look and feel different every season. Organize your calendar in a way that you know which season’s you’d like to do your sprucing up for. Once you have your calendar planned out, you’ll have a defined goal.

Wall hangings are one of the first places your eye roves to when entering a living space, but because most wall hangings get mundane over time, the mind automatically discards these as being irrelevant. So, this is where you should start. Count the number of wall hangings you have about and either get yourself some more, each set dedicated to perhaps a seasonal dish. Change these as the season’s come along and you’ll find yourself looking at the walls for inspiration where your cooking is concerned.

Next, attack the linen. Picture in your mind’s eye, simple, bright, attractive designs for the summer – flowers perhaps. Once you have a theme in mind, set about replacing all the linen for the duration of the season. This replacement would include oven gloves, curtains, placemats and table cloths besides the napkins.

These are the more obvious areas of kitchen decoration that should be covered, but creativity is all about finding the niche areas that often get overlooked – and, doing something to change these as well. You’ll find that members of your own household would appreciate the simplicity of just replacing all the refrigerator magnets – so that these too go with the seasonal theme. If there are young children in the house, it would be an educational experience too, to stick on magnets that represent the fruits and vegetables of the season.

Some people really like to go all the way during their seasonal metamorphosis, and even go on to place colored film on the window panes. This though is not really necessary. You could instead place a lamp in the kitchen and replace the shades, or make chair-back covers that are in sync with the seasonal theme.

Unless you have the money to spend a fair bit every season, it would be prudent to perhaps spend on only one season every year, with each year’s addition, bringing on a set of changes to the kitchen, specific to the season or the holiday. Creativity is the key, and it’s the little changes that make the most difference.