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Winter Home Dcor Section


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Winter Home Dcor Article

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6. Winter Home Décor


Doing up the home for the winter months in a manner that reflects the season would be both practical and pleasing to the eye. It’s a fact that most people spend a tremendous amount of time at home during winter and decorations for the winter should permeate into every part of the home from the living areas to the toilet areas. The general manner in which to theme a home for the winter is to go with darker shades for linen and furniture. Winter is a season with a lot of festivity too so it’s appropriate to gear for the season with a festive spirit.

You should begin with the practical aspects of winter decoration. The windows are a source of heat leakage and heavy drapes should be hung up in anticipation of the cold. This change of drapes and curtains should be carried out throughout the home. Next in line would be the furniture. With people spending more time at home, it would be wonderful to have furniture that is more comfortable and is fun to laze in. Go with throws and rugs that can blanket the furniture if you have these. They add to the attractiveness of furniture. Also, cushions should be given covers that ‘yell’ for a hug. This would depend entirely on you, but quilted material is ideal for the season.

Next off, if you have a fireplace, this ought to be decorated, since a whole lot of time would be spent in front of this. Decoration here would depend entirely on what you like, but reading material, objects of attraction (like a miniature wooden totem pole for example) or festive decorations would be in order.

A lot of food too is prepared and eaten during the winter so the dining space would especially become more attractive with a change in décor. Go with deep colors foe placemats and kitchen linen. You could pullout more attractive linen for any festive celebrations at home. Also, since this is a special time for the family and those friends that visit, getting out the good china would add to the attractiveness.

The bathrooms and toilets could do with a sprucing up too. Mats on the floor so that feet don’t get cold, a decorative heater (to provide that extra bit of warmth) and products that enhance long luxurious baths should be added in during the winter months.

Lighting should definitely be in sync with the seasonal décor. Highlighting trees and hedges with ambient light or sparkling light gives an enlivening spirit. Golden lighting within the home gives a pleasing and warm feel that’s perfect for winter. Outdoor winter figurines too may be lighted so that these are highlighted. All in all, the entire effect created should be that of warmth, and belonging.