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How To Remove Paint Stains


Paint stains happen to everyone who does paint projects. It may be that the paint has landed on your hardwood flooring. It could be that you have gotten it onto a surface you did not want to paint. Regardless of how it got there, it is always helpful to know how to remove paint stains from your home. The process of doing so is really dependent on the age of the stain as well as the type of surface it is on. It can be easy to remove some types of stains.

Wet Paint

If the paint is still wet, use a paper towel to blot off any of the paint that will easily come clean. Do not wipe it off, as this will simply smear the paint more so. After you have dabbed off as much as possible, you can then use a damp cloth to lightly rub the area. Since it often takes paint about 24 hours to thoroughly dry, you should be able to remove any fresh, wet paint stains easily. The sooner you get to the stain, the better.

Tips For Older Paint Stains

If the stain has been in place for some time, there are several things you can do to remove it.

If the paint is a water based paint, adding more liquid to it will cause it to bleed and run. Therefore, place a bit of water onto a towel and use that to blot at the stain.

If the product is color safe, such as wood, glass or ceramic, you can use a small amount of paint thinner to remove the paint. You should not do this to fabric that has been stained from paint, since it may damage the other colors in the material.

If the paint is significant, such as an area of wood is covered in paint, you can use chemical solvents to clean it up. This will allow you to remove the paint in layers, as it blisters from the product. Use a flat edge scrapper to ply the paint off after the chemical has set for at least ten minutes.

In some situations, the paint may be nearly impossible to remove, especially if it is older. IF the surface may be sanded, you can try to use this method to removing the stain. If the material can be washed or laundered, this can help to remove stains as well. For this situation, use a spot stain remover first.

Paint stains can be avoided by using a drop cloth rather than newspaper to cover the flooring. You can also find painter's tape that can help you to keep the paint off of surfaces you do not want it on.