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Is Cheap Paint Worth The Cost?


If you are used to shopping for your paint at your deep discount store, you may be wasting your money. Many of these lowest costing paints do a poor job of covering up what is already on your wall. They also wear off quickly. On the other hand, if you purchase a high quality paint that is an off brand, you may still save a great deal and have an excellent product in your hands that will give you a long lifespan without the cost. There are several things to consider when buying paint, especially if you are looking for a bargain.

Paint quality can often be defined by the type of paint it is. For example, you will likely pay much less for flat paint than you would for gloss paint. Gloss, though, is a higher quality and less likely to be damaged over time. If you want a middle of the road option, choose a satin paint or a semi gloss. These offer less shine and still provide the durability you need, but they do so without costing as much as full gloss paint. You are likely to save up to 20 percent by using these paint types rather than going with gloss paint. You will pay slightly more than a flat paint, but the fact that the paint will last for several years will matter.

Keep in mind that some paints are what are called "scrubable" and others are not. Some may say this on their label. Paints that allow you to scrub them clean, without showing any signs of damage or wear, are an ideal choice for high traffic areas. You may pay slightly more for paints like this, because they are most likely a satin finish, but they are far more durable. If you do not want to paint the hallway every year, for example, and want to be able to wash off the sticky finger prints and crayon marks, then scrubable paint is the way to go.

Brands and off brands are often another area of savings potential for you. If you were to look at a shelf full of paint choices, don't buy the least expensive. It will not do as good of a job for you. Now, look at the remaining products. You want to focus not necessarily in the name brand but in the quality of the product. Name brands may cost you as much as 30 to 40 percent more even though you are getting virtually the same type of paint.

If you are unsure of which product to buy, ask for paint swatches or samples that you can take home and compare. Chances are good your best bet lies in an off brand product of a satin or higher quality.