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Paint And Mildew What To Do Article

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Paint and Mildew: What To Do


Mildew is a type of fungus that loves to grow in areas where there is a food source and moisture. In some cases, it loves to grow on painted surfaces both inside and outside of your home. Mildew specifically loves high temperature areas that are also high in humidity. If you do not do something about the mildew, it will continue to grow and spread, and later will damage the wood or surface material. The good news is that you can protect your home from mildew damage by using the right type of paint and paint method.

Removing Mildew

The first step in the process is to remove mildew from any area where it could be located. If the product is located outside the home, use a high-pressure hose and a cleaning agent to remove it. Inside, you will need a bucket of hot water; a few tablespoons of bleach and a scrub brush (don't forget the gloves.) You will want to remove the mildew thoroughly. This means scrubbing the area well. You should then rinse it clean using hot water. Allow the area to dry completely.

If the area is prone to mildew growth due to humidity, you may want to consider using a dehumidifier in the area, if indoors. A dehumidifier will suck out the moisture in the air, making it harder for mildew to grow. Once the area is completely removed of mildew and dry, you can consider your options for painting the surface.

Painting Tips for Mildew Prone Areas

There is no 100 percent surefire way to stop mildew from growing in or on your home. There are several things you can do to reduce the chances of it. Mildew wants to grow where it is easy to do so, so making the area less conducive to mildew will help.

One of the first things you should do is apply an undercoat and sealer to the wood or surface. This will lock out any moisture from getting into the wood. It also locks out the mildew. Apply this product liberally and be sure to get into all groves and edges. Allow this part of the application to dry thoroughly. You may want to apply more than one coat of the undercoat to the surface.

Next, look for a mildew resistance outdoor paint. These are readily available through most manufacturers and dealers who sell paint products. Follow the instructions provided on the product to ensure you are locking out the mildew from re-growing in that area. Whenever possible, ensure you are using a premium grade product.

Painting surfaces that are likely to grow mold or mildew takes a bit more time and attention but it can help preserve the surface in the long term.