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Sealer: What All Painters Should Know


Sealers are an important part of protecting your wood. If you are planning to paint or stain any type of wood, or you plan to leave it exposed to the elements, sealers should be the first investment you make. A sealer works as an undercoat for the wood. This means it is applied under any other product (or before you apply any other product) to the wood. Sealers do just what they sound like: they seal the wood.

By sealing the wood, the product works to protect the wood from damage caused by normal weather such as wind, rain and snow. In addition, the sealer is also helpful to prevent paint, varnish and other products from seeping into the wood. If you simply painted a piece of wood, the paint would seep into the wood. The same is true for water from rain or snow. It seems into the wood since the wood is so porous. The wood acts like a sponge, soaking it up. As a result, the wood can become warped, or misshapen. More so, wood can deteriorate faster like this. Sealers help to stop this from happening, but you do have to invest in quality and invest time in doing a good job applying it.

When To Use A Sealer

A sealer should be used anytime there is exposed wood. When selecting a sealer, you have to consider what type of exposure the wood will have. Some sealers are good, all weather sealers. Others may not be high enough quality to protect your wood from any moisture type. Some sealers are designed to only protect the wood from the paint application or from the varnish; you plan to apply to it.

In terms of quality, consider how the wood product will be used. For example, if you are planning to seal a table, which will be used indoors, you can purchase a lower grade sealer and be fine with it. On the other hand, perhaps you are planning to seal the deck outside. This requires a high-grade sealer to help lock out the elements.

Tips For Success

When using a sealer, remember these things:

Invest in a sealer that is a medium or better price range to get the best results.

Application is critical. Apply the sealer well enough with a brush so that all crevices and edges are covered. The wood will absorb moisture in all directions. The sealer will not work if there is wood that is exposed.

Check the product to learn how many applications you will need.

Sealers will extend the life of your wood product significantly. They are able to be painted or varnished over. Most are clear, so they do not make any type of lasting impression on the wood itself.