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Should You Use A Paint Sprayer Article

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Should You Use A Paint Sprayer?


Paint sprayers are more common now than they have ever been. In fact, you can find them available for both indoor and outdoor paint jobs at reasonable prices. If you are planning to do a large scale paint project, it may be best to consider a paint sprayer. They also are a great option because they apply paint very evenly, really helping to get the job done quickly but professionally. These are not for every project and they should be used properly if you do plan to use them.

How They Work

Paint sprayers force air and paint out of a canister. As they do so, the paint comes out of the sprayer in a fine mist, which when applied to a surface in even movements allows the paint to be applied with virtually no marks in it. If you look closely at paint that has been applied with a roller, you are likely to see some areas where there is more paint and areas where there is less. You may seem drips. If you look at an area where there has been paint applied using a brush, you can usually see lines through it, from the bristles. This is normal and usually unavoidable to some level. With a sprayer, there is no device touching the wall and therefore there are not lines from the application process.

Tips For Using Paint Sprayers

If you have decided that the area is a great choice for a paint sprayer, there are several things you should consider. These painting tips will help you.

Check out your options at your local tool rental facility before investing in a paint sprayer outright. You may want to get a feel for these devices and what you like about them, before you invest in them. Most rental facilities do offer paint sprayers.

Use only the type of paint recommended to be used in the paint sprayer. You will need to check the manufacturer's warranty and directions. Some paints are too heavy for some sprayers, which will cause them to clog easily.

Once you start to use the sprayer, test it out on a board or another surface first. You will likely need to get a hang of using the device. The best applications are those that are done in a fluid motion. Get in the hang of the speed and the motion of applying it.

Perhaps the most important tip for using a paint sprayer is properly cleaning it. Follow the manufacturer's directions on how to disassemble the device to clean it properly. Leaving even a small amount of paint in these devices can render them useless.

If you decide to purchase your own, be sure you consider several makes and models to find the one that is an ideal choice for your projects.