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Common Wallpaper Problems Understanding Wallpaper Tips Article

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Common Wallpaper Problems: Understanding Wallpaper Tips


As the process of understanding wallpaper goes, there are going to be times when you just say…what is wrong with this wallpaper! Or, you may say, "why won't it stick!" There are many instances when you will struggle with this wallpaper simple because it is not an exact science. You are often dealing with a number of concepts including problems with the paper itself or the adhesive. The following are some of the problems you may have with the wallpaper you are attempting to apply.

Seams Opening Up?

This is actually a common problem with wallpaper and it stems from excessive rolling of the seams, which ends up forcing the adhesive behind the wallpaper. It can also be caused by not applying enough adhesive to the edges or allow the paste to dry too soon. The best way to fix this problem is to reapplying adhesive. There are actually products designed to tackle these seams. You should not use standard wallpaper pastes.

Curling Or Ends Loose?

This is usually caused when the adhesive dries too quickly due to being in a high temperature room or not using enough adhesive during the application process. It can also be caused by not preparing the wall properly. If this is only happening at the edges, then it is best to reaffix the wallpaper using adhesive.

Tears When Trimming

As you trim up the wallpaper, you could pull against it to cut it and find that the wallpaper tears. This is usually caused by a blade that is not sharp enough. It is important to ensure that the blade is not only sharp but that it is also dry and not overloaded with paste. Wipe it clean after each use. The only thing you can do is to replace the strip of wallpaper if it is necessary. Otherwise, try to lay the torn edge flat. Of course, you should always replace the blade in your knife.

Gaps Between Wallpaper Sheets

This happens from time to time. You place a line of wallpaper on the wall then another next to it. By the time you look again, there is a gap between the two lines. This may be caused by not laying the strips of paper properly. It can be caused by not applying the right amount of paste. If too much is used, it could cause the paper to slide down. The only solution to this type of problem is to work slowly and to ensure that the paper is not too wet and heavy. You should be able to go back and realign unless it has dried.

These are some of the most common wallpaper problems you may have. If you do have trouble with the project, it may be best to get some advice from your retailer for easier hanging instructions for the particular type of paper you have purchased.