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Understanding Wallpaper and Wallcoverings: What's On The Back?


By understanding wallpaper and wallcovering, you can make the right decisions for your home. The good news is that wallpaper does not have to be too complex on the front, but what about the back? When you start to shop for wallpaper, it is important to understand your options in terms of the actual backings, or the material that will be used to adhere to the walls. If you spend a bit of time focusing on this, you will find a long term, better outcome on your project.

Here are some tips to help you with understanding the various options in wallpaper backing.

Paper Backings: Paper backings are commonly found. You are likely to find these on the wallpaper that has a vinyl or a vinyl coating on the front. Some of the specialty papers will also have a paper backing. It is a decent choice and there are no drawbacks to using it for the most part.

Woven Fabric Backings: You may see these called scrim or osnaburg. Scrim is a type of paper that often is used in areas that have less traffic, since they are less likely to hold up to traffic. For those areas where there will be more traffic or in most commercial settings, you will want to select the osnaburg product. This is a great choice because it is much more durable. That means it will simply stay in place longer.

Non Woven Fabric Backings: This is an upgraded product. These are found on some of the more improved wall coverings where different printing techniques have been used. The nice thing about this product is that it adheres very well and is also ver strong in terms of not tearing. It is a good option for commercial installations since it does have a higher price point to it.

Latex Acrylic Backings: A final option is latex acrylic. This product is almost always used on just fabric wall coverings. This gives the wall covering more stability since fabric products can otherwise be difficult to hang properly. It also helps to make them stronger so that they can withstand some of the abuse they get.

As you can see, you do have many options to select from. Generally speaking, it is best to select a top quality product first and then to invest in wallpaper that has the type of backing that fits your needs. For most home do it yourselfers, a paper backing or potentially a woven fabric backing is all that is needed. These will withstand normal wear and tear, especially if the product is purchased from a top grade manufacturer. The backing does matter, but you should focus on the paper too.