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Wallpaper Installation Hanging Wallpaper Article

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Wallpaper Installation: Hanging Wallpaper


After preparing the wall and properly wetting the wallpaper, you are not ready to hang it on the wall. It is important to note that if you need to apply any type of paste to the wallpaper that you have completed that process at this point. Position your ladder carefully. Once you have the paper wet and in hand, the first step is to align the wallpaper against the ceiling, moving down as you apply pressure. However, before you do that, let's talk about the level of the wall.

Over time, homes settle which often causes the walls within the home to adjust. A few small degrees can make a significant difference in how level the walls are. Therefore, the first step in applying any wallpaper to the wall is to ensure the walls are level. Now, you may be wondering, if it is not level, what in the world are you going to do? Use a level and a rule. Make a line around the top of the wall where you will be initially hanging the wallpaper. This line should be level. That way, when you do go to apply the wallpaper to this area, you can align it in a level line across the wall. You may have to trim the wallpaper at an odd level along the top of the bottom of the wall, but when someone looks at the wallpaper, it will be straight.

Once this is done, here are some steps to follow to complete the wallpaper installation process.

Place the wallpaper on the wall, against the line you have created. Use a small amount of pressure to move the paper to level it off.

Use a straight edge or a brush to press the paper into the wall, using just enough pressure to hold it into place. Place the brush in the center and push out, towards the sides.

Ensure the entire piece of wallpaper is even and that there are no bubbles in it by using the straight edge to force any air bubbles out the sides. Do this slowly and carefully to avoid any type of tearing.

Next, repeat this process with the next sheet of wallpaper. Before wetting it, be sure to align the patterns and cut the paper accordingly.

Work the same process to adhere the wallpaper to the wall. Be sure to keep the edges just touching each other from one piece to the next.

Wallpaper installation is not complete when you first hang the wallpaper up. You also need to ensure that each piece remains straight as it dries. If you notice any falling or slipping, go back and correct these problems as soon as they occur. Once the adhesive has dried, it will be hard to remove the wallpaper at that point.