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Wallpaper Installation Preparing Walls Article

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Wallpaper Installation: Preparing Walls


Wallpaper installation is not a simple project. If you have never hung wallpaper before, it is best to start at the beginning and then work systematically through the process. The first step, after gathering all of your materials, measuring the space and buying the wallpaper is to prepare the walls. In order for the wallpaper to adhere well to the walls, it will be necessary to prepare the walls to allow for this.

The first thing to do is to remove any and all wallpaper from the wall. If there is existing wallpaper on the walls that is in good condition, you have two choices. First, you can choose to purchase a higher quality vinyle on vynal product that allows you to place wallpaper on top of existing wallpaper. Doing so is fine, so long as you use the proper adhesive for this project. Otherwise, remove all paper from the walls.

The walls also need to be cleaned. Remove dust and debris from them. Use a basic cleaning solution to remove any fingerprints and anything else there. If there is any crayon on the walls, try to get as much of it off as possible since this can easily show through some types of paper. Once you have the walls clean, it is time to consider what is on them.

If you are working with older walls, you may need to use a sealer on the wall to lock out any type of moisture. In addition, if there are any paints on the walls that are shiny or oily (such as oil based paints or high gloss paints) you will need to use a product called a de glosser on these walls first. Otherwise, the wallpaper will not adhere to the walls well and you will have a lot of slipping.

Otherwise, you can purchase a wall primer for the walls to apply. This is a simply paint on product that will help to grab and hold the wallpaper to the walls. You can find it with any of your standard wallpaper supplies. The good thing is that once you do all of this preparation work, you are less likely to have trouble with the wallpaper in the future. It will not fold up or curl up on you.

Cleaning the walls is the first step in wallpaper installation. Once cleaned, allow the walls to thoroughly dry before trying to add any type of product to them. You will find that wallpaper manufacturers often recommend cleaning the walls first since this helps the wallpaper to adhere better. Even if you think there will be no problem, it only takes a few extra steps to ensure that there will be no problems.