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Wallpaper Maintenance How To Strip Wallpaper Article

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Wallpaper Maintenance: How To Strip Wallpaper


There comes a time when you can no longer use wallpaper maintenance to keep up the look and feel of the wallpaper. It becomes necessary to remove it and start all over. Removing wallpaper can be difficult. If you are lucky, the process will only take a few minutes of pulling at the edges. In most cases, the wallpaper has been put up too well to come down so easily. Therefore, it is best to consider a few tips and tricks to stripping wallpaper without doing any damage to the walls under them.

Water First

One of the best ways to remove wallpaper is to strip it down using water. Use a spray bottle with warm water. Simply spray down the wallpaper and allow it to soak in. After the water has been absorbed by the wallpaper, the paper reacts must the same as any other piece of paper would. It becomes damp enough to pull off. You may need to use a scraping tool, such as a straight edge scrapper. This will help to pull the paper off. As you slide the scraper under the wallpaper, apply more water to allow it to come off easily. If this does not work, do not force the scraper under the paper as that could damage the wall itself.

Score It Next

If that does not work, the next option is to use a scoring tool. You can find these available at most home improvement stores, wallpaper outlets and online. They work very easily. The job of the tool is to score or cut lines into the wallpaper just deep enough to penetrate the wallpaper without damaging the wood. This allows for you to then use water, or another solution to get into those cuts and wet down the adhesive. That will allow the wallpaper to come off easily, as described with just using water above.

Professional Chemicals

If this process does not work, there are products you can purchase that will work against the adhesive on the wallpaper to allow the wallpaper to come off. This process is often a good one, but the wallpaper remover chemical can be toxic so be sure to use it just as directed by the manufacturer. In most situations, water works best and therefore there is no need to invest in this product.

Stripping down wallpaper like this is a process you should not have to do often! The key is to take your time so that you do not damage the wall behind the wallpaper in the process. That way, you can easily paint or reapply wallpaper to the area as you would like to. You are likely going to need to wash down the walls after you remove the wallpaper to fully remove all residue.