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Do You Own the Right Window Trim Tools?


For those adept at do it yourself home projects, updating your home can be a challenge and a project you look forward to. In fact, there are probably many projects you will do over the years as you become more experienced. Sooner or later, you may find yourself replacing windows or even just the trim around the windows. Sometimes, refinishing or just painting the window trim can give your home a fresh and new look. We will examine some of the window trim tools and supplies you will need for just such a project.

The key to attractive window trim is perfect miter cuts. This may take some practice if you are not experienced. Also, it will be much easier with a power miter saw but if you don’t own one or prefer not to spend the money on one, you can still make perfect miter cuts with a miter box and saw.

Even when you make perfect miter cuts though, you can still mess up a perfect trim job when you are attaching the trim. For this reason, many experts suggest that you trim out an area that no one will see, like the inside of a closet before you perform your first window trim job. Like anything else, practice makes perfect and you’ll likely do a better job if you practice first.

While the miter saw is the most important window trim tool, there are other supplies and tools you may need as well, depending on the extent of your project. Of course, you’ll need a nail gun or a hammer and finish nails. Be sure and wear safety glasses while you are working on this or any other home improvement projects. Other supplies you may need include a framing square, utility knife, stud finder, and wood glue.

You can buy prefinished window trim or you can finish or paint it yourself. If you are doing the work yourself, be sure and let it dry thoroughly before you attempt to install it. If you are a novice, you may want to cut all the pieces before you finish or paint the window trim; that way, if you need to toss some of the pieces during the mitering stage, you won’t be tossing the finished ones.

Trimming your own windows can be a fun and satisfying project but it may present a challenge to the novice. Often, even though your mitered corners are perfectly cut, variations surrounding the window will make it difficult to install perfectly and you could end up with trim that doesn’t fit together right. There are ways to get around this and still have an attractive trim. If you find yourself unable to install the window trim without spaces between the mitered corners, you may need to consult a professional. If this is the case, don’t feel bad as this could be a sign that the structure has settled or other issues that you can’t see could be the problem.