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Online Inspiration for Window Treatments


Have you been thinking about updating one or more of your window treatments but are not sure just how to go about it or what kind of change you would like? After all, there are so many options available to you that it can be hard to choose. In addition, if you are a do it yourself kind of project person, you may have some ideas of your own but just need a little inspiration to get started.

Online Videos

You may be surprised to find that there are literally thousands of videos online that have to do with home improvement projects, and many of them are dedicated to window treatments. Whether you are interested in installing shutters, blinds, shades, adding new window trim, or redoing your window cornices, you can find online videos to inspire you and walk you through the hard steps. While many of these videos are made by do it yourselfers, many of them are made by professionals as well. If you have ever watched any of the TV shows that have to do with home improvement, then you will be familiar with some of the videos you will see online as they are made by the same people who do the television shows.

Online Magazines

Some of the same magazines that you see at the grocery checkout stand have websites that contain much of the same information that is in the magazines. Many of these websites also have videos and slideshows that have to do with all aspects of decorating, including window treatments. You’ll get some of the latest innovative ideas by looking to these websites for ideas, inspiration, and instructions.

Manufacturer’s Websites

Many of the window treatment manufacturers have websites that not only sell their products but have informative articles and videos as well. For instance, many of the websites that sell blinds, shades, and draperies have videos that will show you exactly how to measure your windows for their products. Some of these websites and manufacturers even offer free samples so you can actually feel and see what the window treatment will look like before you buy it, which is nice if you are making your purchase online. Many of these websites have sections that offer tips and tricks for updating your window treatments so even if you don’t make a purchase, you can still get a lot of inspiration and ideas from visiting the manufacturers’ websites.

Other Ideas for Inspiration

One of my favorite ways to get inspiration when I want to redecorate is to go online and search for homes for sale. I often see an accessory or a window treatment that I want to try by using this method. People who are trying to sell their homes make sure everything looks just right before they allow photos to be posted online and you can get a lot of good ideas this way because they often update the look of their homes before listing them for sale.

However you decide to get inspiration for your window treatments, use the power of the web to get ideas and often, instruction as well.