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The Benefits Of Motorized Retractable Awnings Article

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The Benefits of Motorized Retractable Awnings


While even manually operated retractable awnings are a great improvement to your home and comfort, motorized retractable awnings offer even more convenience and function. By installing motorized retractable awnings, you can take advantage of the remote control technology and unfold the awning effortlessly, even from inside your home. This way, you can unfold the awning even before your guests arrive while you are still inside the home and if you forget to fold the awning up or if it starts to rain, you can fold it up from inside your home without having to get out in the rain.

Motorized retractable awnings can be set to fold and unfold according to a preset time. That way, you can set the timer to fold and unfold the awning based on the time of day. In addition, you can purchase an optional rain sensor so that in the event of rain your awning will fold up, even if you are not at home. This is an important point because retractable awnings are an investment that you want to protect and many of them are not designed to withstand rain or snow or ice so in the event of precipitation you would want your retractable awning to be protected.

You can also purchase an optional wind sensor for your retractable awning so in the event of high winds, your motorized retractable awning will automatically fold up and be protected from damage from high winds. It works by measuring the speed of the wind and when the wind reaches a certain speed, the awning will respond by folding up.

When you purchase a motorized retractable awning, be sure and get a manual override because in the event of a power failure, you won’t be able to operate your awning without the manual override. Since many power failures occur during storms, you don’t want to risk the power going out while rain, hail, or high winds damage your awning.

As you can see, motorized retractable awnings offer a lot of features that can bring comfort and convenience to your life and household. You can totally change how you use your patio or deck by investing in a retractable awning because no longer will you have to put up with the scorching sun and heat; now, you will be able to relax and entertain guests and be comfortable.

Motorized retractable awnings are quite an investment for the homeowner so you will want to do your research before you make such an investment. You will want to compare prices, models, and features. Many of the convenience and protection options are add-ons and do not come standard with retractable awnings so be sure and add in the cost of any extras you choose.