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Updating Your Window Cornices


Window cornices add a special flair to the overall décor of a room but once they start looking old or dull and drab, it can be expensive to have them professionally redone or replaced. Thankfully, there are ways in which you can update your window cornices yourself without going to too much trouble or expense. Let’s look at some ways that you can breathe new life into your old window cornices.

First, make sure that your cornices are in good shape before you tackle the project. If they need repairing, you may need to call in a professional. Once you determine they just need updating, you can begin to look at ways you can make your old cornices look new again.


New paint solves a ton of home decorating problems and is an inexpensive solution to old and tired window cornices. Consider adding stencils or wallpaper borders for a customized look. Or you may prefer to strip the old paint off and instead of repainting, you could stain the window cornice to a more natural finish. If you do paint though, consider coordinating your new paint color to other accessories in the room, such as throw pillows or rugs. You can also dress up the painted cornice by adding shapes you’ve cut out from wood and painted. You might also add pictures that you’ve framed, or if you’re especially creative, you could paint a scene right on the window cornice.


You might consider adding padding and fabric to your window cornice for a softer look. Here again, you could coordinate the fabric to match other items in the room or simply complement the other items with a different shade of the same color. You may also wish to choose a cornice fabric that either complements your drapes or one that matches the drapes exactly for a truly customized look. You can also add buttons if you wish, or tassels, lace, or other items to dress up the fabric.

Add Lights for an Updated Look

Lighting has become a big part of home improvement projects as newer and more attractive light options have become available. To add a soft glow to your windows, you can add lights underneath the window cornice for a truly elegant look. The easiest way to do this is to purchase the kind of lights that run on batteries and simply stick on to the cornice. This way, you don’t have to worry about cords or electricity and you can complete the project yourself in no time.

Updating your window cornices is a fairly easy weekend project that you can easily complete using a variety of inexpensive materials. You’ll be surprised and delighted at how easy it is to improve the look of your window treatments by simply updating your window cornices.